Sunday, October 3, 2010

In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash

"God Grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change: The Courage to Change the things I Can: The Wisdom to know the difference."
- The Serenity Prayer

My mother put this as her status on her Facebook. 
It made me smile and I thought that this certainly applied to me today.
Out of complete respect of everyone involved or in knowledge of a certain situation, I won't add on to what I just claimed.
In my opinion, it is certainly not something to blog about for the whole world to see.

So today I worked on my Specification Sheet for Product Knowledge.
It's like we have to order a product for our restaurant and the spec sheet is the process we are practicing in ordering food.
Guess what product I have?
The "King of Fruit", Durian.
You can feel bad for me if you want to.
At least I don't have to touch it.

In other great news, to my astonished surprise, I saw Chip today! Back at school from extern.
Well actually Chip saw me.
And gave me a big huge hug.
I didn't realize how much I needed a hug today, until that moment.
It literally was the most perfect timing ever...ever, because I was looking down at my cellphone and then I look up and see Chip's smiling face.
And I found out that He is an RA in my building!
It was like being at MST again.
It was like seeing an old friend for the first time in years, that wonderful, warm, familiar face.
It was like seeing home.
And I never really realized how much I missed not only home, but MST.
I miss Ashleigh and Rich and Manny and AJ and Britney and Tyler and of course my chefs, Tabor and McGee.
But now I've seen Chip.
I can't really describe it, but it was one of the best feelings in the world.
It was like God was telling me that everything from that moment on will get better today.
And so far, so good.

+ Chip, if on the off chance that you are reading this, thank you so much for your welcoming hugs. They made me feel like I was on top of the world.

In a completely sorta off topic way,
I have noticed little changes in myself.
I thought about God more this week, then I have since being at home and around my mother.
I'm not totally sure why, I just have.
And I'm not opposed to it.
It feels good.

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