Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just Haven't Met You Yet.

So far so good.
I haven't felt sad/homesick/lonely in about three days.
I think that could be a record.
I'm in such a good mood.
I hope nothing ruins it.

PK quiz results: T for Troll.
I can do better.
I will do better
There is no room for academic failure in my life right now.
I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself.
But I just can't help it.
I expect so much out of myself.

I had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine last night.
Basically about who would win in destroying the other socially/emotionally.
I know it sounds terrible, but it was entertaining.
I still stand by my claims in knowing that I could smother this person with drama if I ever wanted too.
But I won't because I'm too kind hearted.
It was a very cheery conversation.
Gave me a good laugh when I needed one.
Made me realize why I like being friends with this person.
Moments like that where I feel completely myself and just joking around even if it is through a computer screen.
I hope this person knows that they can be themselves around me too.

I heard the worst news ever on Tuesday.
Irena Chalmers isn't going to be my Gastronomy teacher anymore.
I am very upset about this.
It's not because of the fact that she doesn't give quizzes/tests/exams.
It's simply because I like listening to her.
She has such a wealth of knowledge and horrendous stories about Martha Stewart that I have yet to learn.
I can't wait to take her Food Jobs class in october.

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