Friday, October 15, 2010

When Skies Are Grey

So yesterday it poured rain.
I was in an alright mood.
Nothing spectacular but that could be due to the fact that I haven't been sleeping very well recently.
I don't know why.
I just get so cold and I can't seem to warm up.
It's not fun.

So right before dinner I decided to kill some time and go to the Mail Room.
I had to mail professor Chalmers my gastronomy notes so she could give me a proper grade for them.
And while I was down there I decided to check my mail.
I haven't been getting anything at all recently, but I thought I would check regardless.
So I opened my mail box and too my complete surprise, I had a letter.

My Secret Love
Allyson Ball
CBN# 605

At first it kinda worried me.
I wracked my brain for who could have written this to me, but I couldn't think of anyone who would bother.
So I opened it.
And what it contained brightened my day like nothing every had.

Dear Al,
Just wanted to send you some mail since I know how much you like it! :)
While I'm here I might as well add... you're amazing & probably one of the funnier people I know. I'm so glad you're roommate, and... well... I love you man!
=D xoxoxo!
- <3 always
Stephie Bear!

I can't tell you how much this meant to me.
What a fabulous surprise to find.
I love this girl.
And I love mail.
And she knows this!
If you were ever curious as to how to gain my affections, this is how you do it.
Don't give me flowers or chocolate (though I do like them too...)
Mail is the way to go.
Little notes like this just brighten my day.
Just saying that you love me or just to say hello.
This is perfect.
It made a blah day turn into a great day.


  1. I love when things like that happen :D

  2. you and steph are adorable :)
    i love you both and can't wait to live with you two
