Sunday, October 24, 2010

And See The World Hanging Upside Down..

You are like the morning sun.
Beautiful and bright, but have yet to wake up.

I think its safe to say, that every day I spend here I am becoming more comfortable and happy.
I don't pine for home anymore.
Or a familiar bed.
I am referring to school and our dorm as "home" more and more.
I have found such great people here.
People that I can't wait to see during the day.
People I can't wait to smile at and ask how their day is going.

But of course every shining happiness has it's dark spots.
But even then, those dark spots just need a light shined on them so they can sparkle just like the rest.
If anything, I love the dark spots all the same and eventually I hope they shine on their own.
Because they want to and not having to need any cuing from me.
Slowly but surely.
No need to rush.

I think that if I try too hard, or I worry too much, or whatever when it comes to things socially, I'll never be happy.
I'll never find what I'm looking for.
Because I'll be searching, searching, searching, and completely overlook whats in front of me.
I'll be looking for perfection, and I wont ever find it.
Because no one is perfect.
I'm certainly not perfect, regardless if I'm made completely of sunshine and rainbows.
But I think it's the flaws that make us so beautiful.
I wouldn't want anyone who was perfect.
Perfect is so boring.

Life should never be boring.
Life is an adventure.
I would like you to be apart of it, but you have to meet me half way.
I don't want to go through my entire adventure by myself.

Thanks to all who read this blog for sticking around for so long.
It means more than these virtual words could express.


  1. you'll never have to go through this adventure by yourself.
    I'll always be here!

  2. I feel like sometimes all I do as a highschool student is to fit in socially way to hard. And I still don't. And then I wasted my time trying really hard. So I'm sure you're right.
