Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Always Turn The Car Around.

Oh my goodness!
I got a comment from somebody I don't know!
Their name is rbrow076.

rbrow076, if you are reading this, hello!!
It's so nice to (sorta, kinda) meet you.
My name is Allyson, but I go by Ally.
... you probably already knew that, but I still felt the need to introduce myself...
You have no idea how happy your comment made me feel.
I seriously freaked out (in a good way, I promise!)
I haven't ever had someone I didn't know, send me a comment before.
You are a ground breaker in my book.
Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog.
So you hope to come to CIA during the fall next year, that's awesome!
Have you applied yet?
Baking or Culinary?
Associate or Bachelor degree?
If you haven't gotten your acceptance letter yet, I wish you the best of luck in getting in!
I sorta cried when I got my letter and found out I was accepted.
Yeah I know... pretty lame.
But whatever.
Oh and the last, most important question... How the hell did you find my blog?
Did you randomly come upon it?
Did you search for a CIA student's blog?
I'm asking because I don't have any tags or labels attached to my blog, so I figured that no one would ever be able to find it outside of my people on Facebook. (that is where I post my links to my updates)

This is so awesome!
You have no idea.
p.s. I didn't find your comment creepy at all! In fact, it brighten my day up! Thanks so much!

1 comment:

  1. Ha Hi there Ally! I got just excited reading that you blogged about my comment. I applied for Baking and Pastry, and it was a really hard decision between that and Culinary Arts but thats what I ended up with. I haven't received my acceptance letter yet, Hopefully soon though! but since I am so excited about going I have been looking at the CIA's facebook page and before I wanted to apply I messaged people to ask them how they liked the school so far ( ones that have previously written on the CIA's wall) and I messaged your roommate Stephanie and saw she had a blog, (her blog is good too!) and I wanted to see if any of the blogs she followed were of CIA students, and you were! Thats how I found you :) haha, and my name is Racheal Browning, I actually added Stephanie on fb to ask her more about the CIA, because she was nice enough to tell me all about it, so I knew she would be helpful.
