Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Am Jack's Complete Lack Of Surprise.

So Food Safety was a little interesting today.
I have written before that Professor Vergelli is a tree hugger.
Also very Liberal but I don't care about that.
To each his own, I think.
Today he accidentally brought in his political view point when answering a question because he thought that, that was the question being asked.
We were talking about meat manufactures.
He used the phrase "why should they be stuffing their pockets, when there are people who actually need that money."
Now, I don't want to get political.
I don't agree with him on that because I'm fiscally conservative and I believe that I deserve whatever I worked for and that I shouldn't have to give my money to people who did not do the same kind of work that I did.
I'm leaving it at that.

Why I am mentioning this, is because of the feeling I got when he said this.
It struck me funny.
Don't get me wrong, I obviously realize that there are different political opinions.
I just forgot that the whole world didn't agree with me, for a minute.
My parents are more fiscally conservative.
That's how I have been raised.
That doesn't mean I don't like poor people or that I don't want to help them.
I just don't want to give them my hard earned money. plain and simple.
They didn't earn it.
If they worked side by side with me, doing the exact same work with me, I would have no problem sharing my profits with them.
But that isn't the case.
I would much rather help these people get education or help them find a job, instead of dealing out checks from the government.

Now if you have read this far, and haven't left my blog because you are morally offended by my viewpoint on this subject, I have another reason why I am bringing this up.

I am very scared.
I am going to be working extremely hard for the next twenty years.
In those twenty years, I will be working to open up my own restaurant/pub/bar/eatery/whatever.
It is going to be stressful.
It is going to be hard.
My blood, sweat and tears will go into making this dream of mine a reality.
I hope to become successful and well known.
I hope to become very well-off due to my hard work.
But even when I do open my own place, the hard work doesn't stop there.
It will continue.
There will be no break in working hard in my future.
And when I do become successful and finacally well-off, I will be seen as "filthy rich."
My twenty+ years of excessively hard work will mean nothing.
I will be seen as having "too much money".
It will happen.
Especially if I become famous.
So at the base of all this, I think I should be entitled to my money.
I worked hard, those 20+ years, for my success and I don't think I should be forced by the government to give away any profit that I make.
That is my money.
I earned it.
It didn't just appear over night.
It would have been building and saving itself up for twenty+ years.
I will give it away, and I will, as I see fit.
Don't tell me that I have "too much".
In my opinion, I will never have enough and it's not anyone's business, but mine, to decide how much is too much.

After I leave school, I am going to be in debt up to my eyeballs.
Its going to take years to pay off.
And on top of that, I'm trying to create a restaurant?
And the government is still taxing me.
Am I crazy or something?
I just have dreams.
Dreams that will come into reality.
I know what I'm doing.
I know how people will see me when I become successful.
"Lucky", "The winner of life's lottery"
I'm paying too much money for education and too much into my future to be considered lucky.
"Hard worker" should flash across you mind when you see my name in lights.

Rant over.
I don't like getting political.
Everyone take it too personally, myself included.

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