Monday, November 8, 2010

So Make Your Siren's Call And Sing All You Want

Today was actually a good day.
I was happy and content.
But then, I got some news I wasn't all that excited about.
In fact, I was down right mad about.
See when I get upset/angry/flustered/passionate, I tend to release that kind of energy through tears.
It's not that I'm actually crying,
But more like that is how I flush it out of my system.
Today was one of those days.
It was critical information that I needed to know
So I'm very thankful that Stephanie had not only the compassion of looking out for me, but the gonads to tell me what was up.
It really did mean a lot.
And in the end, I think it saved me from some possibly not so kind surprises.

I don't really like surprises.
I never have.
I shake my Christmas presents, it's that bad.
I'm not a surprise kind of person.
Don't try and surprise me.
Either it will startle me so bad I will scream, become upset or I will hit you so hard you'll have a bruise for a week+ for surprising me.
It depends on the surprise.
In the end, it's better to just tell me upfront and not let me find out until it's too late.
The only way I would ever like a surprise is if you are 100% positive I will like it.
And even then, it's still risky.

I'm more upset then anything.
Not a sad upset.
More like and unsettled upset.
I thought I meant a little more then deserving no response.
I thought our friendship meant a little more then that.

God forbid, I thought we were friends.
My mistake.
Shame on me for wanting to hangout with a stupid boy.
At least now I know for next time, I won't even bother.

On the complete bright side, I had a wonderful day with Stephanie, Morgan, Krissy and Annelise.
Family Dinners are the best.
Especially with these four.

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