Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hello, My Love, It's Getting Cold On This Island.

Lumière means "light" in French.
It is also the name of the candle from Beauty & The Beast.
It also is the name of the restaurant owned by Daniel Boulud located in Vancouver.
My mother is currently living in Vancouver.
On Lumière's homepage, the back round music is one of my favorite songs: Koop Island Blues by Koop.

If this isn't a sign from God telling me to have my externship here, I don't know what is.

I feel like I might have talked about this before.
If I have I'm wicked sorry.
But I have to talk about it again.
Because I have a news update on it.

This past Tuesday was the career fair here at CIA.
Dinex Group, Daniel Boulud's managing company were in attendance.
My nerves were a bit in overdrive when I went up to the woman representing Dinex Group.
I tried my hardest to be upbeat and friendly.
And to be as appealing as possible.
I shook her hand like three times.
It was kinda like that.

So Morgan has finally moved in
Gwen is gone.
It's different.
Not in a good way or bad way.
Just different.
It's going to take some time getting used to.

I'm very tired.
Well, my body is tired.
It's just been such stressful last few days, all I want to do it lay in bed and not move.
I want thanksgiving to hurry up.
I miss my family.
I miss New Hampshire.
I never thought I would catch myself saying that, but I really do.

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