Monday, November 1, 2010

Little Lion Man

I was greeted by this lovely sight today.
For those of you who don't really know what animal it is, it's a lamb.
Today we fabricated a leg and half a rib rack.
And like always, the blood was a gushin'.
It wasn't all that pleasant.
I'm ready to go into fish now.
Even though apparently the kitchen is colder then the meat room and the smell is far worse.
But to be completely honest, I don't care.
Anything is better then watching an animal be disassembled in front of me.
And I know this isn't the last I'm ever going to be exposed to meat fabrication.
But fish is different.
To me, it's not the same.
I guess it's just hard for me to see an animal in a position like what I have pictured above.
But just because it's hard to watch doesn't mean I can't do it.
I would prefer not to, but I would in a heartbeat if a chef ever told me to.
And I would do it with a smile on my face, no matter what.
Because that's the kind of person I am.

Feeling kinda lonely all of a sudden.
It's been awhile since I've gotten upset.
I guess it's been a long time coming.
Just been delayed from all the happiness I've been trying to cram down my throat.
Like seriously, it just crept up and hit me in the face.
Not cool.
I'm wicked upset now.
And missing home.
Missing Dad.
And Ashley.
And Stephen.
And my beagle, Scarlett.
And of course my Mother.
Even though I'm about to Skype her in a half hour.
I guess I just need a hug.
I don't understand why this keeps happening to me...
It can't be good for my health.

Knife Casualties: 2


  1. Ew can we get a warning before that pic? haha
    Love you all *web hug*

    p.s. stop cutting urselfff
