Saturday, December 4, 2010

If You Were A Castle, I'd Be Your Moat.

I have had a strange week.
It had its terrible points but then it had it's wonderful points.
The terrible aspects I'm not going to get into right now.
I've just been talking and thinking about it so much lately.
I think if I talk about it anymore I might scream.
I'm still a bit angry.
Still hurt.
I'm not ready to talk about it yet.
Maybe I will later.
I don't know yet.
All I can say about the terrible points is that I've had such good support from Stephie and another friend. (who will go nameless for now).

Now onto the good points.
Stephanie Eyster is the world's greatest roommate and friend.
Without her here, I don't know what I would do.
She always knows the right things to say to me to calm me down or make me laugh.
I don't think college would be as fun without her and I'm so lucky to call her my friend.
It's been a long time since it was just Steph and Ally, because we have acquired a wolf pack now.
So when we hung out with just the two of us, I realized how much I missed it.
Not that I don't love our friends, because I do!
But it was nice just hanging out like old times.

What is happening currently:
Kris is getting her hair dyed by Steph, but we have ran out of dye.
So we are making a 1am run to Walmart to go get more dye.

I'll write more about the terrible later.
Most likely tomorrow.
I'm very tired.
Movie time in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. I was a lone wolf..
    My wolf pack grew by one.
    Allyson Ball+Stephanie Eyster=ELITE WOLF PACK!

