Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Mornings

I've had such a good weekend hanging out with Stephie Bear.
But all good things sometimes have their bruises.
I am no exception to this.
I'm trying my hardest to be happy today.
But I can't help that I feel a bit upset.
Some stuff was said between me and a friend of mine last night.
I prepared myself for it, but it still stung.
It was still awkward.
For me at least.
I really do value this person's friendship.
Like all of my friendships.
I'm loyal.
I'm trusting.
And yes, that has come back to bite me in the past.
But I get up and brush myself off.
I forgive, because I feel life is too short to hold a grudge against someone.
That I can find a better use of my time then constantly hating/disliking someone.
Because I prefer to be happy.

People make mistakes.
I make one at least once a day.
So if you are reading this (which I sorta hope you are..)
I don't view Friday night as a mistake.
What happened, happened and I'm not going to waste my time regretting it.
But from what you said to me last night, I have a pretty good idea that you do not feel the same way about what happened.
To each his own, I guess.

But I still stand by what I said.
I don't want this to keep us from being friends.
The end.

p.s. I just made a promise to myself. No more sad posts. They are bumming me out.

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