Friday, February 4, 2011

Attitude For Life

The most entertaining thing to watch in my Interpersonal Communications class is everyone's nervous habits when it's their turn to public speak.
No two habits are exactly alike.
Everyone is a special snowflake and it is so funny.
A restless hand, twitching after every word spoken.
Gripping the podium like they might fall over.
A vigorous sway from side to side.
Hands stuffed deeply into pockets.
Legs constantly crossing and uncrossing.
Switching from one relaxed hip to the other.
The never failing "Um" and "Like" that unnecessarily fill momentary gaps of silence.
Ah the joys of human nerves.

Mr. Fischetti, my IPC teacher told us something today.
It was called the "Attitude For Life", and it made me think.
I think I will keep it for awhile.
I like it.

Attitude For Life:
1. I don't know everything.
2. I never will.
3. Everyone has something to contribute.

1 comment:

  1. I really like that attitude for live :)

    very wise professor.

    I miss you Ally *hug*
