Saturday, February 26, 2011

My throat hurts.
My nose is runny.
I'm getting sick.


I came up with a burger last night, for my bar/cafe/eatery/dive thing, laying in bed.
It's tentatively called "The Scarlett Burger"
Its going to have toppings and condiments that are only red or in the red color family.
I thought it was kinda clever.. for Scarlett and it's colored scarlet...
Yeah.. anyway I like the idea, but this is all I have so far.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wonder Beagle

You were the best company I ever had.
You were an amazing curer of loneliness.
I will miss you forever.
At least Grandpa gets to see you again.

I remember the night so clearly in my brain.
We still lived in Ohio
It was late and I was in bed.
Mommy just came home with you in her arms.
You were abandoned in the parking lot in front of her store.
You were a tiny puppy with big ears.
She set you right on top of my legs; waking me up.
You were beautiful.
We named you Katie Scarlett O'Hara.
Daddy said you deserved a good southern bell name.
Katie Scarlett O'Hara Ball.
Garbage Can.
You liked bones.
A lot.
You wore handkerchiefs
Your birthday was celebrated on July 4th.
Though you didn't really like fireworks.
Or any loud noises, actually.
You snored, just like Dad.
Green eyes, just like me.
Bed hog.
You liked pillows.
And Blankets.
And the couch.
But most of all, you loved sitting in the sun by the sliding glass door.
That was your spot.

I missed you a lot in class today.
Daddy called me, and I instantly knew what had happened before he even said anything.
Chef Corky Clark, one of the fish instructors, found me and helped me to health services.
He was so nice and kind to me.
Taylor David, a girl and friend from my class just so happened to be in health services at the same time.
I explained what happened and she made sure people didn't ask me what was wrong when I got back to class.
She is so nice.
I knew that I couldn't leave them in service.
They are my team and I had work to do.
Besides, leaving would make me think about it more.
At least I had something to sort of focus on.
The cooking made me a bit happier.
But once I stopped for only one second, I started thinking.
It was terrible.
The only way I could talk was through a whisper.
Or at least it felt like I was whispering.
It felt like everyone was looking at me but didn't look at me in the eye when I would look back.
But it's fine, I didn't want them too.
I was upset when I came home.
I sat on my bed and cried.
Morgan came in and asked me if I was okay.
It sounded loud.
I got very annoyed very quickly.
Obviously I wasn't.
I yelled.
Out of anger and distress.
 I don't like yelling at people, but I did.
And that upset me further.
Then Stephanie stuck up for me and they started yelling.
It just wasn't friendly
And I kept crying.
Stephanie gave me eclairs and said everything was going to be okay.
I believe her.
But I know it wont be for a little while.

I just feel tired.
My eyes hurt.
I miss you.

I'm Just Here To Say Hello.

Just ran out of my Manchester tap water.
"bummed", doesn't begin to describe it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Times They Are A-Changin'.

I miss home already.
This visit wasn't going to be long enough.
And I already knew that leaving campus on Friday.
I'm so grateful towards my Dad for coming to get me, even when he had a cold.
Which should also hit me around mid-week.
(cross your fingers and knock on wood for me, the last thing I need is to get sick.)

I didn't really want to come back.
It's not the work or the classes I didn't want to come back to.
It's the isolation and the mean people here.
Dad told me to tough it out.
Not to let this people dictate my actions and etc..
And I'm not.
It's just tough at times.
Tougher than what I want to deal with.
But I will.
Eight weeks until I leave and then go on extern.

Externship + Walt Disney World(X 18 weeks) = Happiness
Happiness = Ally.

I want this T-shirt.
I take a men's medium.
Hint hint.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Home Is Where The Heart Is.

Truer words were probably spoken...
But this place certainly makes me doubt that.

My dog is the prettiest beagle I have ever seen.
Manchester tap water reigns supreme. fact.
I have the best bed ever.
My house is wonderful.
I hate our stove even more, now that I'm used to gas stoves.
I missed my grocery store. (weird, I know.)
I love sitting on the couch with Daddy and Ashley, and having dad commentary on the movie or show we are watching.

I kinda wanna stay for a while.
I missed this place.
It's only missing two things though... Ma and Stephen.
But I'll see them both really soon.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fear No Evil, Except For Your Lack Of Courage.

I don't like Valentine's Day.
Note that I said, "I don't like".
That doesn't mean I hate it.
I think it's just another excuse for Hallmark and Candy Companies to make a lot of money.
The whole concept of the holiday makes little sense to me.
That you are supposed to be nice to these people on this particular day.
Apparently a box of chocolates and a card it's supposed to signify to that person that you love them.

Well to be quite honest, I don't need a silly lovey dovey day to tell my family and friends that I love them.
I'm perfectly content with telling them everyday, about my love.
I would like to think I bombard them with love and attention all year around, to the point where Valentine's Day would just be considered overkill.
Bottom line, I think Valentine's Day is a tad bit superficial.
It's like "here Hun, I got you crappy chocolate, a 18934k gold necklace and a stupid card that someone made a boatload creating. This tells you that I love you."
What happened to the good old days when people just said I love you out of the blue, just because?
That's what I'm trying to do.
I don't use one day to tell someone I love them.
I try to use 365 days.
So no, I don't hate Valentine's Day, I just love and appreciate everyone all year around instead of just a single day.

Chef Smythe is okay.
He is actually really funny in a strange, morbid sort of way.
He is very philosophical.
He knows a lot about a lot.
And he knows it.
And because of this he talks for a very long time.
Very long..... to the point where his voice is monotone and what he says starts traveling in one ear and out the other.
But that only happens during lecture, thankfully.
He doesn't exude the warm and fuzzy feelings.
Instead he is firm and frank, but understanding and fair.
Very fair.
I like him so far.
I think people were wrong about him.
He isn't mean, he is just realistic and fair.
I guess people are too sensitive.
I imagine that he will get much tougher as we progress, but that's just the nature of the machine.
I want him to get tougher, I want him to push us and make us better students.
The last group of kids that was in his class, the block in front of us, didn't open and serve on their first day because they ruined the white rice so Chef shut the kitchen down.
He spoke to us on the first day for 3 hours, stopped at about 4:30pm, pushed the open for service time from 5:30 to 6pm and we still managed to open, albeit 15mins late at 6:15, but we opened.
I talked to Chef Walsh today (my cuisines of Americas chef) and told him that and he was very impressed with us.
I sorta miss being in Americas.
I do like Asia but, it's not the same.
I just feel like we'll be doing a lot of the same kind of technique because everything is practically cooked in Woks.
Eh, whatever.

So Stephanie got me a Valentine's Day gift.
It was a pretty card saying that she loved me and that I was her best friend and telling me good luck in Asia.
And yummy candy!
Goodness I love this girl.. probably one of the nicest people ever.
No joke.
I'll miss her when she leaves to go to Georgia for the weekend.

Fear no evil, except for your lack of courage.
- Chef Smythe

Thursday, February 10, 2011

We No Speak Americano

I grilled a lot of fish today for day two Mexico.
Which was quite a departure from our Poached Veracruz dish yesterday.
And as always Chef Walsh was happy to help me out.
I'm really going to miss him being my chef.
He was tough, but very fair.
I hold a lot of respect for him.
It's a shame that we are already leaving just when it seems that he is starting to open up and get comfortable enough with us to be joking and sarcastic and vice versa. (Well, for me at least.)

I'm nervous for Asia.
I heard some stuff about Chef Smythe.
Both good and bad.
Hopefully he is more good then anything.
I'm just going to try to keep my head down and do my work.
Hopefully he won't yell at me too much.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The King Of Anything.

I don't have much to say today except I really like Cuisines of the Americas.
I just get happy thinking about all of the ingredients and methods and the history of these different foods.
I feel like I've been at my happiest in this class.
It's just so interesting and different from what we've learned already. (basic Classical French)
I'm nervous and yet excited at going into Cuisines of Asia.
But I know I will do fine.
I just hope that this positive, happy attitude will stick around, I missed it..

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Wanna Be Praised From A New Perspective.

I've actually had a really good weekend.
Kinda slow in some parts, but that's alright with me.
I have a lot of homework to do, but nothing I don't think I could do.

Probably the only crappy part I've had, I'm experiencing right now.
You know what's worse then two people making out in the same room as you?
Two people making out in the bunk above you, making gross noises, moving around, and I don't know what else.
Trust me when I say it's truly worse.

I know the logical thing would be to leave and go to the lounge or something, but I'm not going to.
I was here first, I shouldn't have to leave, this is my room too!
They left and then decided to come back.
So it's not like they don't know I'm here or anything.
Why they couldn't go back to his room, I have no idea.
I attribute it to they don't actually give a damn.
Which is so rude and uncaring, it's making me see red.
I seriously hate people like this.
Makes me want to vom and punch something.

But other then that, I'm actually in a pretty good mood.
I'm feeling positive and hopeful.
From and for what, I'm not totally sure.
But I'm just going with it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Attitude For Life

The most entertaining thing to watch in my Interpersonal Communications class is everyone's nervous habits when it's their turn to public speak.
No two habits are exactly alike.
Everyone is a special snowflake and it is so funny.
A restless hand, twitching after every word spoken.
Gripping the podium like they might fall over.
A vigorous sway from side to side.
Hands stuffed deeply into pockets.
Legs constantly crossing and uncrossing.
Switching from one relaxed hip to the other.
The never failing "Um" and "Like" that unnecessarily fill momentary gaps of silence.
Ah the joys of human nerves.

Mr. Fischetti, my IPC teacher told us something today.
It was called the "Attitude For Life", and it made me think.
I think I will keep it for awhile.
I like it.

Attitude For Life:
1. I don't know everything.
2. I never will.
3. Everyone has something to contribute.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hurricane Headache, Please Avoid My State Of Mind.

As much as I love school and what I'm learning, I just want to go home.
I have a headache.
I want a hug.
I want something more familiar then here...

I, I, I.
Me, Me, Me...
"I hate this, I hate that."
"Why does everything happen to me."
It seems that is all I say anymore.
Grow up Al, jeez.
You knew this was going to be hard.
Suck it up.
Stop crying.
You are going to be just fine.
2 1/2 months.
It could be so much worse then this.