Monday, April 30, 2012

Approaching Friday

I get into some moody moods sometimes.
Everyone needs to have a little pity party for themselves sometimes, right?
I just choose to have mine here, where people are able to read it.

No, I'm not about to chuck myself off some bridge.
And I am in no way ungratefully of the people I have in my life.
I love everyone so dearly and I am fortunate to have them.

But sometimes I just need to rant.
I choose to do this here on my blog because it gives me the chance of getting it all out there in some form.
Yes, I could just as easily talk to someone, but at the expense of talking their ear off, I choose this medium instead.

I really am fine.
I just need people to speak plainly to me at times.
To tell me that they love me.
That they miss me.
That they want to spend time with me.

It seems a little pathetic, but I can't help but just crave some blunt feelings from people.
I'm leaving.

I'm alright.
I'm just feeling lonely recently.

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