Monday, May 28, 2012

Beyond The Trees

This is slightly overdue, but oh well.

I have now graduated my AOS degree at the Culinary Institute of America.
It seems like just yesterday I started at school.

I will be back at school in October to start my Bachelors Degree, then I will be done.

Tomorrow my family and me will be driving across the country to travel back to Vancouver, British Columbia.
It's going to take 49 hours.
And that's just how long the driving will take, no including the sights we will visit or the breaks we will take.
Things we are planning on seeing during our trip:

  • Worlds Largest Ball of Twine. (The one in Wyoming, not Minnesota)
  • The Corn Palace (yes, really)
  • Wall Drug (it has a giant dinosaur near it)
  • Devil's Tower (No, I haven't seen Close Encounters of the Third Kind)
  • Cedar Point (possibly)
  • Whatever other tourist trap we happen upon.

I'm excited for the adventure this will be, but it's going to be a long time.

I can feel the cabin fever starting to grow.
I will update on my condition as often as I can.

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