Saturday, March 19, 2011

When You Only Got 100 Years To Live.

This is my 100th blog.

I'm in a pretty good place at the moment.
My group in class had a big pow wow last night and I think we have bonded together a little more.
Things needed to be tossed out in the open and talked about.
Christian and I were able to finally talk out our issues, fully and in front of everyone, so hopefully things will get better from here.

I had a good long talk with my mother the other day about people in general and why they like to confuse me.
Because they do confuse me, quit a lot actually.
I don't really know why.
I like people a lot.
But sometimes they do things that are rude, selfish, or arrogant, etc.
They don't take other's feelings into consideration.
And I don't understand why.
Is it really that challenging to think about something other then yourself?

I mean, I know I'm not a saint or anything.
I tend to think about my own personal happiness a lot of the time.
But I've always tried very hard to keep other people in mind.
That I know every action I make will have a reaction, good or bad.
But you see it all the time in life where people don't think of the consequences of their actions.
Like whether or not they are making good choices or hurting people that care about them.

It just confuses me that people don't take five minutes everyday to stop and think about someone other then themselves and about how they act or what they say could potentially hurt someone.

I don't really know where I'm going with this... but I hope I managed to make a point somewhere along the line.


K-16 is the toughest class I've had so far.
Which is really no surprise, but still.
The first two days in class were a nightmare.
Yesterday was the best day so far.
I grilled Tarragon Turkey Burgers like a pro.
Michael, our TA, said that they were all perfectly cooked and juicy without being raw.
Chef loved them too.
None were sent back to the kitchen.
Huzzah for success!

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