Sunday, March 27, 2011

And Then There Was One.

I have had a really fortunate life.
I truly have some of the most remarkable and kind people surrounding me.
What did I ever do, to become so lucky?

My parents married very young, but very in love.
Growing up, we didn't have the biggest and best of everything.
Our houses were small, but welcoming.
And we had each other.
I know that sounds pretty corny, but it's true.
A house is not a home.
Home is where family and friends are.
I know my parents have always been a bit lamentful towards the fact that I've never had my own room.
Ashley did, simply because she was the oldest and arrived first.
Stephen, because he was the boy.
And I got a bit of the short end, for being the youngest.
I'm used to sharing a room with someone, because that's all I've known.
So coming to college knowing I was going to room with people wasn't a big deal to me.

And so I come to the point of this story.
Morgan and Stephanie have moved out for externship.
The room is completely bare on there sides.
It very quiet.
But it's sort of nice.
I have my own room for the first time.
But it is still a bit strange because every time I look towards Steph's side or Morgan's desk, I'm kind of expecting someone to be there.
But they aren't.
And I continue on with whatever I'm doing.
It really isn't bad being in here alone.

This room holds a lot of memories.
Both the good and bad.
I imagine I'll miss this room after I leave in three weeks.

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