Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Everybody's Changing.

So I received a great text message last night.
Made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside:

Secret: college turned you into a stuck up bitch.

Problem is the number that they sent it from isn't programed into my phone.
IE. I have no idea who it could possibly be.

I feel like I can really go two ways with this kind of thing.
I can't act totally by instinct and go absolutely mental about this whole situation.
Or I can act rationally and calmly, let it slide and not worry about it too much because the friends and family around me love and care about me.
I'll keep you updated on my choice.

But I just can't help but wonder..
What could possibly antagonize this person enough to send me something like this?
What did I do or say the causes them to think I turned into a stuck up bitch?

I tried brainstorming last night about who could have possibly done it
Theresa was the last sort of "confrontation" that I had with someone from back home.
That was freaking November.
A million and a half years ago. and we even sorted it out and split on civil terms the next day.
It is now March and someone is randomly texting me this.
***(ps. I am in NO WAY AT ALL pining this on Theresa. I am just stating that she was my last "fight" from home. Thank you.)

They have my phone number.
And have/had access to my facebook account because they knew about my "secrets" status updates from forever ago.

Personally I think I'm having a great three weeks, I mean first my dog passes away, then I get sick (still getting over it), cuisines of asia was the bane of my existence, Im now waking myself up at 2 in the morning to go to breakfast class and when I'm getting ready for bed last night I get some random text message from someone back home saying this to me.

I don't understand why this is happening to me.
I don't understand.
What the hell have I ever done to anyone?
What actions or words do I say to be treated in this manor?
Did someone really take the time and energy to type out a message to me like that?
Bottom line what really upsets me the most is that they didn't say it to my face.
They hid behind a screen.

I honestly try.
I really do try to be a good, happy, honest person.
To live my life with a smile on my face because life is too short to frown.
If college has done anything to me, it's given me a backbone.
I have become confident in my abilities and my self.
I am becoming so goal oriented and for the first time I have thought completely about what I want for myself now and for the future.
I have been accepted to a school that I have dreamed about attending since I was 8 years old.
Because this is my only shot; my only chance to aim towards my dreams and aspirations.

If that is called a "Stuck-up Bitch" then by god, I am happy to be one.

1 comment:

  1. :] You're probably one of the least stuck up OR bitchy people I've ever met. If anything you are selfless and beyond kind and caring.
    I love you much babydoll
