Thursday, March 10, 2011

Booze In The Blender.

I guess I spoke too soon.
My bad.
I guess I will always look for the best in people, even though there is little to be found sometimes.
How stuck up bitchy of me to say!
I suppose I'll never learn.

Darn it.
My little heart breaks...
Oh, wait... stuck up bitches don't have hearts.
Never mind.


In other worldly news I have the biggest bruise on my thigh (again) and I don't know how I got it.
Breakfast class is going well, just very tiring which makes me not the cheeriest person to be around, when 11am comes around when my energy starts to crash.

The end is getting closer.
I need a bit of a break before I go galavanting off to Disney World.

My life is so awesome!
Everyone loves me!
And I'm a stuck up bitch, so i'm able to say things like that!

1 comment:

  1. I love you, you are awesome, and I think your bitchyness is charming ;P
