Thursday, March 22, 2012

No Bueno.

No one seems to care that I've had one of the worst days today.

I'm just so upset and so home sick.
Every bad event that could have happened today, pretty much happened.
For once I want someone to just see that I have had a terrible day and be there for me.
Just tell me that it's okay and give me a little bit of attention.

I do that for other people.
Why can't someone do that for me?

I know that it sounds like I'm whining.
But I am on the brink of tears and all I want is a freaking hug and someone to say it's alright.

I start Escoffier tomorrow.
It's my last class before graduation.
Three weeks in the kitchen and three weeks serving.

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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