Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weights Off My Shoulders

I had my Fifth Term Cooking Practical yesterday.
That's the one which determines if I graduate on time or not.
For my menu, I received:

lst course:
Shallow Poached Sole with a Cuisson Sauce
Sauteed Spinach

2nd course:
Roast Beef (Medium Rare) with Jus Lie
Potatoes au Gratin
Blanched Asparagus
Grilled Vegetables (Eggplant, Zucchini, & Tomatoes)

I was a little bit anxious to start, but once I started cooking, I felt like I got right into my swing.
I received an 82 for my efforts.
I am extremely proud of myself.

I originally gave up meat for Lent.
Later that same night I had a sandwich that had salami on it.
I felt really guilty and bad, so I decided to switch it to red meat.
But I've recently been feeling guilty again, so I decided to go back to my original plan of giving up all meat.
But I can eat fish.
I have been told all my life and have been under the impression that fish and meat are two completely different things.
Yes, they are both protein and were once living, but still different.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
So I don't really understand why I would be heckled for eating fish or shellfish.
It's my choice and my Lent.
I gave up what I gave up and what I gave up, is meat.
Not fish.
I have never criticized any one's religion or beliefs, so I can't understand why someone would do that to me.
Let me eat my shrimp (while craving a burger) in peace.
I'm actually trying to follow Lent this year.
Discouragement and heckling for eating fish isn't helping my struggle.

"I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

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