Sunday, February 26, 2012

Live The Dash

Last night I work a big event the school was hosting for the Roosevelt Fire Department.
They are the department that comes to our school when the fire alarms go off.
So instead of having to pay large sums whenever that happens, the school throws a huge banquet and party for them.
It was really cool to see Farq Hall transformed for the event.
One of the older gentlemen at one of my tables gave me some of the best advice I've heard in a while:
He pointed to his wife and said that he married her when she was seventeen years old, which had been over 52 years ago. But he said that he understood why kids these days waited until they were 25 to 30 to marry. He said the most important thing we needed to do, was to live "the dash". He explained that on your tombstone, there is the date you were born and the date that you pass away. In between, is the dash and that you should live that part because it is the most important part.

This made me happy and I just wanted to share this story with you.
Its amazing the how you can meet the most wonderful people in the strangest of places.

And Jesus said to them, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday

For Lent this year, I have decided to give up eating meat.
This is coming from the girl that wants to open up a gourmet burger/pizza and bubble tea restaurant.

But I am also taking something on this year.
At first it was going to be going to the gym at least four times a week, but we all know I would just be kidding myself with that one.
So I have decided to do something a little more Religious oriented.
I will try to post a blog entry at least three times a week.
But wait there's more!
I will also include a bible verse/passage/psalms/etc. in each one.

So since I am so excited about starting this, here is the first of many different verses:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So my first few days on Restaurant Row have gone alright.
Chef is pretty cool, and from a town outside of Venice.
He doesn't have the thickest accent, but sometimes it trips him up when he is trying to find the correct english translation.
But other then that, it is just a lot of work that takes a lot of energy out of me.
Is it Friday yet?
I certainly need the weekend.
That and a stiff drink.

In other news, I found out that my key to my mailbox has stopped working.
I'm not very sure why.
And neither does the mailroom.
So I have a new mailbox now.
The address is still the same, only the box number has changed.

Allyson Ball
CBN# 1702
1946 Campus Drive
Hyde Park, NY 12538

Feel free to mail me nice things.
I would really like that.

I passed Wines Class with a B-.
I get to take Advanced Wines Class next year now!
I am so happy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mt. Stressmore

I am so stressed out.
Wines is going alright, but it could be better.
The amount of information is hard to process sometimes.
My retention is not where it should be and that is mainly due to the time restrictions of absorbing all of this material in such a short time.
I've had two tests so far, both which have been average scores for me.
I was truly thinking about taking the Advanced Wines Class during my Bachelors program next fall, but I need a B- or better to get into that class.
As of right now, I'm not sure I will quite make it.
That specific fate will be decided on how well I score on my final and how well I did my Restaurant Review.

Oh yeah! I forgot to talk about my Restaurant Review.
My class and I were treated to a luncheon, hosted by our professor Michael Weiss, in Caterina de Medici (our Italian "Family Style" restaurant on campus).
It was a three course lunch with two wines paired with each course plus a toasting sparkling wine.
So seven wines we all got to drink.
Even for the underage classmates, because it was for educational purposes!

The review was basically asking us which wine was our favorite for each course, how it paired with the food, and two alternative wines we could choose for that course.
I had no problem with being assigned this project, because let's face it: I got to drink seven free glasses of wine.
What other college student my age, gets to say that they got to drink seven different wines just to write one paper?

And on top of all this news, for my first restaurant for Restaurant Row, I have been assigned:
Drum Roll!!!

The AM Caterina de Medici!
Which is exactly what I wanted!
Yay for Allyson!!

I have a tour of Caterina on Thursday, which is also the same day as my Wines Final
My first day/class in the kitchen is on Friday.
I rescheduled my costing exam for Feb 21th.
My 5th Term Cooking Practical is in March (6th? I don't know..)

Lots of important and stressful things coming up soon!

Please send all you love and good vibes to:
Allyson Ball
Box # 1978
1946 Campus Drive
Hyde Park, NY 12538

I would really appreciate it.