Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ten Things I Know To Be True.

1. I am horribly nervous about flying to Florida on Monday.

2. My mother calls me Pocahontas.

3. The water that comes from my tap at home is a million times better then anything bottled.

4. If I could, I would be a writer/astronaut/chef/paleontologist who spends her days in the Pacific Northwest and eats Kitkat bars everyday.

5. I keep catching myself looking around for my dog.

6. My father makes eggs the correct way.

7. I'm quite, not because I'm shy, but because I have nothing to say or I am listening to you talk.

8. I had toast and ramen noodles for dinner tonight. It was delicious.

9. A bad day can be remedied by chocolate, relaxing music, and reassuring words. Though not necessarily in that order.

10. Ambient noise puts me to sleep better then silence.

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