Saturday, April 16, 2011

On Those Pretty Dicey Days.

If I could choose one word to describe this year, I would choose "Discovery".

I have discovered this year:
What kind of person I'm starting to become (whether I like that person or not, remains to be fully seen.)
That sometimes the people who you thought were friends, never really were.
That hugs really do make things better.
That people are not always who they seem.
That pride and arrogance are very different words.
That honesty is the best solution and usually the hardest.
That getting the wind kicked out of you is a good reminder of how great oxygen tastes.
That working until your bones ache means that you have accomplished something.
That complaining about things, all the time, will not make it go away.
That pots and pans on the stove are usually very hot.
That you need to take a few punches to get tough.
That being tough means letting people see you cry, but not submitting to defeat.
That a smile can make someone's day.
That it's hard to be the hero when the people you're trying to help are standing on your cape.
That I don't have a best friend, even though I imagine it would be nice to have one.
That I don't need a best friend because I have many fantastic friends around me, especially my parents.
That people talk, backtalk, and gossip.
That saying what you mean and doing what you say are very important.
That people are easily offended.
That recipes are just guidelines and don't usually workout.
That food usually tastes better when you just eyeball it.
That I am always listening.
That pettiness is petty, so please stop.
That you can only complain about something for so long until I can predict your every line.
That when telling people I have six demerits, watching the reactions are priceless.
That laughing until your sides hurt is the best way to spend time with someone.
That I don't feel the need to talk to fill the silence.
That dreams of a 9 year old girl can come true.
That I can make some really good coleslaw.
That karma exists.
That good things come in threes and so do bad things.
That some hurts can't be fixed with band aids or rubbing dirt on it.
That there will be days when all I want to do is curl up tight in a corner somewhere.
That on a scale from one to over-trusting, I can be very naive.
That I will apologize when I've done something wrong.
That I will not apologize for looking a the world from an optimistic perspective.
That dreams and reality tend to be more similar then we hope.
That walking around with open arms tends to leave me defenseless, but more receptive to wonderful things.
That I have old eyes and an even older soul.
That my self confidence can be measured in teaspoons and because of that, I will never give up.
That talking to someone, who is just listening and not waiting for their turn to talk, is made of gold to me.
That I don't think I can change the world yet, because I don't know that much about it.
That secrets both create and destroy people.
That I don't tend to like the boy next door, I like the nerd down the street.
That being a shoulder for people is tough, but helping them recover is the best reward.
That direct eye contact is something I crave.
That being an adult is a learning process.
That 19 feels a whole lot like 9.
That I need to cook and be happy.
That I am a good friend.
That Ma and Daddy said there would be days like this.
That if I follow my feet I will end up somewhere.
That these are not the last words I will type, but just the last words to this chapter in my grand adventure.
That the universe gets pretty dicey at times, to the point where everything is going wrong,
But reminding myself that those dicey days will never hold a candle to the wonders of this life, makes growing up much more bearable.

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