Friday, September 9, 2011

Tomorrow Is Just A Dream Away.

I am sitting at Orlando International Airport waiting for my flight.
I a flying to Minneapolis/St. Paul then to Vancouver, British Columbia
I honestly can't describe the feeling of euphoria I am currently experiencing with the thought of seeing my mother and sister.
I also find it fascinating that when I leave Minneapolis at 5:25, I will arrive in Vancouver at 4:30.

I feel quite proud of myself.
Externship is over and now all I have to do is make my manual look pretty.
I am so incredibly tired.
But I think the learning and growing I experienced down here was so worth it.
I feel like I've honestly started to become my own person and saw how tough I actually am.
My backbone is stronger than it has ever been.
I have made wonderful friends down here that I believe that I will have years and years down the road.

Yesterday for my last day, Ben and I went to Magic Kingdom.
I had the most amazing time and I am happy to report that the "magic" has not been lost on me.
After working for Cinderella's Royal Table for 18 weeks, I was finally able to get a reservation yesterday for lunch.
During dessert they surprised me with our signature Chocolate Slipper Dessert that said "Good Luck Ally - Cinderella's Royal Table".
I cried.
(Ben took pictures of it and should put them on Facebook soon, it looked beautiful!)
Towards the end of the day I became very sad when I started to really realize that I really wasn't going to see some of these people again.
Even if I do come back next summer for the Alumni Program.
I know I won't see Ally for a good while and I won't see Sam until I get back to New York.
And I know for fact that I won't see Ben for three months.
It is very bittersweet.

I can't believe it is already over.
But I am so excited to go back to school and see my people.
I hope everyone is excited to see me too.

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