Friday, September 30, 2011

Heart Smiles

To day someone asked me if I likedyou.

laughed , and I said , "Ha! That's funny ! !
f r e a k i n' L O V E that chick! !She's funny , caring , crazy as heck ,sweetbeautiful , she's readingthis email right now I love her!!"
Send this to ten ladies you love! !& I better be one ! ! ! !
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says~~
"Oh Crap, She's up!"

I just received this email.
And to quote miss Ally Berenguer, "It made my Heart Smile!"
The perfect pick-me-up when I was starting to feel a bit nervous and unsure about somethings.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Old Teenage Hopes Are Alive At Your Door.

I'm going to look at this up coming year in the most positive light ever.
I looked at last year with a positive light too, but as the year continued, my moral slowly decreased.
So as a result, that will not happen this year.
Everyone has bad days, but I'm not going to let the bad days dwarf the good days.
Since this year is going to be positive, I am sticking to that trend.
Everyone does bad and hurtful things.
No one is a Saint, myself definitely included.
But a way I can change that, is by forgiving.
Forgiving and Forgetting.
By forgetting, I can completely put it behind me, move on, and start over.
I like starting over.
Why hold on to grudges and mistakes that people have made?
Everyone makes mistakes.
And I really do understand that now.
I would be hanging around in the past when I always talk about moving forward.
That would be stupid to do, not to mention hypocritical.
And I'm not about to do either.

So here's to new beginnings and positivity.
Everything is going to be just fine.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Until The Last Of Days.

I got my school schedule today!
I wish all the class times were a bit more cohesive.
Oh well, we can't have it all I suppose.

I think the class I'm looking forward to the most is Menu Development.
That has "projects" written ALL over it!

Restaurant Law - 6:45-8:15pm

Nutrition - 7:00-9:00am
Intro to Management - 9:15-11:15am
Restaurant Law - 6:45-8:15pm

Same as Tuesday

Controlling Cost and Purchasing Food - 9:15-11:15am
Menu Development - 4:00-6:00pm
Restaurant Law - 6:45-8:15pm

Controlling Cost and Purchasing Food - 9:15-11:15am
Menu Development - 4:00-6:00pm

Sweetheart, Bitter Heart... Now I Can Tell You Apart.

School starts in a week.
I will get to see people again.
But it's tad nerve wracking.
I feel like it's literally been a million years since I have seen everyone.
I'm actually looking forward to starting school again though.
I want to continue learning.

I chopped off all my hair... again.
And I dyed it chocolate brown.
I've had it a week now, but I can't seem to get used to it.
Oh well.

Time for bed.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Moments Like This

Nothing tops sitting on the couch and watching T.V. with my mother.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tomorrow Is Just A Dream Away.

I am sitting at Orlando International Airport waiting for my flight.
I a flying to Minneapolis/St. Paul then to Vancouver, British Columbia
I honestly can't describe the feeling of euphoria I am currently experiencing with the thought of seeing my mother and sister.
I also find it fascinating that when I leave Minneapolis at 5:25, I will arrive in Vancouver at 4:30.

I feel quite proud of myself.
Externship is over and now all I have to do is make my manual look pretty.
I am so incredibly tired.
But I think the learning and growing I experienced down here was so worth it.
I feel like I've honestly started to become my own person and saw how tough I actually am.
My backbone is stronger than it has ever been.
I have made wonderful friends down here that I believe that I will have years and years down the road.

Yesterday for my last day, Ben and I went to Magic Kingdom.
I had the most amazing time and I am happy to report that the "magic" has not been lost on me.
After working for Cinderella's Royal Table for 18 weeks, I was finally able to get a reservation yesterday for lunch.
During dessert they surprised me with our signature Chocolate Slipper Dessert that said "Good Luck Ally - Cinderella's Royal Table".
I cried.
(Ben took pictures of it and should put them on Facebook soon, it looked beautiful!)
Towards the end of the day I became very sad when I started to really realize that I really wasn't going to see some of these people again.
Even if I do come back next summer for the Alumni Program.
I know I won't see Ally for a good while and I won't see Sam until I get back to New York.
And I know for fact that I won't see Ben for three months.
It is very bittersweet.

I can't believe it is already over.
But I am so excited to go back to school and see my people.
I hope everyone is excited to see me too.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Rights And Wrongs.

I've always been fascinated by human interaction.
To see why they do the things they do and the choices that they make.
To be plain, I just love learning about what makes a person "tick".

But then comes the confusing part.
When a person's actions and choices go against morals and manners that have been ingrained in my soul since I was a little girl.
The balance of understanding I have to find, is not always easy and clear to locate.
Am I making sense?

When I was small, I was taught my rights and wrongs.
I was told what was acceptable and expected of me and what wasn't.
But most importantly, I was taught how to treat people.
I know for a fact that "treating others the way you would like to be treated" is not just unique to the Ten Commandments.
It spans across all religions and countries.
Having respect for people does not require a spoken language.
It is an ingrained behavior that we learn when we are very young.
And yet, there are people out there that are still so rude, self-centered, and don't treat people right.
It boggles my mind.
I was taught as a kid, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.
But people ignore this concept on a daily basis.
I don't understand why.
I'm no Saint here.
I've done and said things I shouldn't have before.
But I make a valiant effort not to because I don't like being mistreated myself, so I won't do it to others.

I think if everyone just did what they said and said what they meant, the world would be a much better place.
If you just take out all the negative comments and mean gestures, people would be so much more receptive to each other.
I don't understand why people do the things they do sometimes.
Don't they realize that it's not okay?
Doesn't a buzzer or alarm go off in their conscience telling them right from wrong?
I guess it is just exclusive to me.