Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Roommate: Gwen.

What is there to say about Gwen?

She is very nerdy. But don't get me wrong here, nerdy in a very good way. I like nerdy people.
She plays the Cello.
She is left-handed.
She is 18. (turns 19 in July)
She is from Maryland.
She is also in the Baking & Pastry program.
All in all she is a very nice, sweet girl.
I think that she and I also have the potential to become good friends.

Picture Time: This is where I go to school. It's okay to be jealous.

My Roommate: Stephanie.

What is there to say about Stephanie?
Let me list them:

She is my roommate.
She is also 18. (turns 19 in December)
She originated in Florida.
She is in the Baking & Pastry program, unlike myself.
And she is honestly one of the chillest people I have ever met.
I am happy she is my roommate.
I think we have the potential of becoming good friends.

Picture Time: The Dutchess County Fair

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wit Beyond Measure...

I miss my dog something fierce.
She is very old and not going to be around forever.
I hope later rather than sooner on that subject.

I think I finally realized why I'm still a little unsettled here.
Besides the fact that I don't have my family here.
I don't have a best friend here.
No one I've known since forever and literally grew up with.
No one to talk to about nothing and everything at the same time.

It would be nice to have a best friend here.
But I don't really know anyone yet.
At least at that kind of friendship level.

Maybe if I stop looking for it, it will sneak up on me.
That would be nice.

p.s my email is opening up for some reason... I will get the picture on here a soon as it does. In the mean time look at this:

Impossible Motion

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday I'm In Love.

So today was pretty normal.
I think I'm the happiest when I have stuff to do.
I honestly think it is getting better everyday being away from home.
I can seriously feel myself becoming happier and more comfortable here.
Everyone is so nice and welcoming, it's just such a great atmosphere.
I feels right.

Today after class my roommates and I just chilled until it was like 8:30-ish then met up with some of our other friends and went to the Duchess County Fair.
It was an absolute blast.
Fried Dough and Fried Oreos.
That's all I can say.
We literally just got back a half hour ago.
Pictures to come.

Now I'm sitting in the common room with Steph and Max watching Jackass at one in the morning.
I love the weekends.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Start Of Something Great.

My name is Allyson.
But I go by Ally.
I'm 18 years old and I have just arrived at college.
This is the first time I have been away from my parents.
And I'm already a little homesick.

College is different.
I am completely on my own.
I decide when to eat, sleep and study.
Not that I didn't already do that at home but I always had a parent coming home a few hours after I got home from school.
So I never really felt alone.
But this is different.
I am alone.
Along with other students, who are alone.
I wonder if this homesickness thing is just effecting me?

I'm a little nervous.
It's almost like I don't know what to do with myself.
I keep hoping to see a familiar face within my group of freshman classmates,
But all I see are the people I have met three days ago.
It's surprising how much I miss my friends when just a few weeks ago I was counting down the days until I arrived here.

So the point of this blog is to document my time at college and all the trials and tribulations that will come with it.
I don't know how many people will read this.
I don't know how may people will relate or find this useful.
But in the end I don't think I care.

I am attending the Culinary Institute of America.
It has been my dream to come here since I was nine years old.