Monday, November 28, 2011

Yo No Hablo Español

It always turns out right.
I really need to stop worrying so much.

Cabo San Lucas was wonderful.
Angela, Benjamin's sister was absolutely beautiful.
Just seeing she and Robert together solidifies my belief that there is someone out there for everyone.
They just have that vibe about them; that forever kind of love.
Ben's family was so warm and inviting to me.
I didn't feel unwelcome in the slightest.
And that means more to me then anything.
No matter what may happen in the future, I will never forget the kindness I have just received from this family.

And of course, I would have never made it to my flight or back to school without my wonderful friends Marcella and Todd.
They are totally a dime a dozen.

Pictures should hopefully be up soon!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm going to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, tomorrow.
I'm a tad bit nervous and I'm not sure if I'll sleep properly tonight.

I feel like I'm having an out of body experience right now.
Cabo seems like a very strange way to spend my time right now.
Not a bad strange.
Just strange.

I've never done anything like this before.
I feel like I'm doing a very grown up thing.
I feel nervous and already a tad bit overwhelmed.
Like a fish about to be cast out of the water.

Everything will be alright though... right?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sweet Tooth

I think I'm actually awake enough to say something now.

Baking has been awesome.
I really love the nice change of pace.
Chef Levy is a short French guy thats funny but tough and fair to us.
He really knows his stuff, and it is nice to work under chefs that truly know what they are doing and how to teach it to others.

I'm really liking the morning classes.
We get out pretty early.
Though we do have to wake up way early in the morning.
It's worth it.
Though I do sort of miss being in a regular kitchen, where I can truly eyeball everything.
But still, it's nice to change things up.

It's weird though.
I'm around so much bread, cookies, and other delicious treats all day.
(Chef Levy makes us try a lot of stuff because he thinks we are all too skinny)
How are all the people in the baking program not all weighing a million pounds by now?
Its like magic.

So far, so delicious.
More yumminess to come!

Monday, November 14, 2011

In The Midnight Hour

I have no one to calm my nerves.
Despite the motivational pump ups I've been doing for myself, I can't seem to shake the jitters.
I know what you are thinking.
"She is going be just fine".

I'm sure this will be the case.
But the nerves are still present and won't let me fall asleep.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Sunny Sky.

I don't have too many words tonight.

I'm very tired as always, but that goes without saying.
I'll never escape the fatigue.

Baking starts in three days.
I am so freaking happy to get back in the kitchen.
But now it seems I'm just repeating myself.

Told you I didn't have many words tonight.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Leaf That's Following The Sun

It's strange how you can have one of the best days, but then see someone having the worst.

Fortunately, I was on the positive end of the spectrum today.
I hung out with Marissa and Todd today.
It was just a really relaxed time.
And I think I certainly deserve it after taking two out of four of my finals today.
I hope they went alright.
One can only hope now.

Next week starts my baking class and I am so completely ready and excited.
I can't not wait to put on my chef whites, officially, and frolic off to class.
Only four more days!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Following The Heartlines On Your Hand.

The L Block finish line is in sight.
I'm so freaking happy I can't even contain myself.

It's not as if L Block was bad.
It wasn't.
And I found some of the things I learned to be useful and informative.
The only fault that I found with it was the monotinous, boring, and tedious projects.
It was like they didn't have enough material to spread out over six weeks so as a result, every class had a special project about something equally as monotinous, boring and tedious.

I'm really excited for my baking class.
Just to do something with my hands and be in a kitchen.
The anticipation is killing me right now.

Almost there.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Dreamed A Dream

Don't you just hate it when you wake up from a great dream and then realize that it wasn't real?
It happened to me this morning.
It's like your subconscious is dangling exactly what you wish for, right in front of you.
It even goes to the lengths of making it almost tangible.
And then your alarm clock goes off and ruins it.

And to be honest, I'm still sorta bummed that it was just my imagination.
Oh, well.